The tale of Thor’s wedding

Thor awoke one morning to find that his hammer was missing. Without Mjölnir, the gods and their entire world were threatened. Thor was desperate and didn’t know what to do, and together with Loki he searched everywhere for his hammer. Finally, they went to Freya’s farm to ask if they could borrow her feather cloak in their search. Freya agreed and Loki put on the cloak of falcon feathers and immediately flew off to Jotunheim, which was the world of the giants. Loki had a suspicion who was behind the theft of the hammer.

In Jotunheim Loki met the giant Trym who told him that he had stolen the hammer and hid it eight miles below ground. The only thing that could make him return it was if he was allowed to marry Freya. She would then get it as a wedding present. Freya was furious when Thor asked her to put on a wedding dress and accompany them to the land of the giants to marry Trym. So angry that all of Asgard shook. Freya was certainly not going to marry Trym, that much was clear. To figure out how to get Thor’s hammer back, all the gods was called together. Heimdall suggested that they should pretend to agree to the giants demands, but that Tor should instead dress in bridal clothes and go to Jotunheim in Freya’s place. Despite Thor’s protests, it was decided that the wedding would take place eight days later and that Loki would accompany Thor as a bridesmaid.

Eight days later Thor and Loki arrived in Jotunheim dressed as bride and maid of honour. Trym was very pleased, and a great feast was arranged. The giant was amazed at his bride’s hunger when she with great appetite ate an ox, eight salmons and drank a whole barrel of mead. Loki quickly explained that Freya had longed so incredibly much for the giant that she hadn’t eaten a bite in eight days. Trym was satisfied with the answer and tried to kiss Freya, but when he saw her wild look he quickly backed away. It looked like fire was burning in her eyes. Once again, Loki was quick to explain that Freya had longed for this day so much that she also hadn’t been able to sleep for eight nights. That was why her gaze was a little wild.

Once again Trym was satisfied with the answer and ordered Mjölnir to be brought up from the underworld and to be placed in the bride’s lap. Said and done. Finally, Thor got his hammer back and immediately swung it and killed Trym. Order was restored and the world of the gods was saved!